This 4 week innovative program offers fun-filled project based learning with incentives for rising 4th through 12th grade students.
Starts July 13 through August 7, 2020
Each week, STEAM campers jump into action, participating in exciting STEAM projects, Becoming a Force for Health, advocacy literacy with technology, advancing your health literacy, community resiliency and concluding with their own invention or final IDEAS project to be presented to their community as their final project.
Our campers have the opportunity to expand their horizons during the summer, embarking on new adventures, and having fun! Our exceptional program and dedicated staff create an environment that forges lifelong friendships among our campers. We create a summer experience which us both history making and unforgettable!
Daily Schedule
9:00 – 9:15 am Welcome/Prayer/Roll Call STEAM Instructor
- 9:15 – 9:35 am Morning Orientation/Assignment
9:35 – 9:55 am Guest STEAM Innovative Lecture - Based on the weekly themes, a guest lecturer in a STEAM related field.
- 10:00 – 10:55 am STEAM Curriculum Lesson 1- LEARN IT
- 11:00 – 11:55 am STEAM Curriculum Lesson 2 - Individual theory/practicum on defined, daily subject matter
12:00 – 1:00 pm Lunch and Recess
- 1:00 pm – 1:35 pm Afternoon Orientation/Assignment – Steam led Instructor/Roll Call/ Assignment/Q&A
1:35 pm – 1:55pm Guest Subject Matter Expert Lecture
2:00 pm – 3:00pm STEAM Curriculum Lesson 3- Individual theory/practicum on defined, daily subject matter
3:00 pm – 3:45pm STEAM Curriculum Lesson 4- Individual theory/practicum on defined, daily subject matter
- 3:45 pm – 4:00 pm Daily Close Out/ STEAM Instructor
Please click here for more detailed Camp eGuide with 360° Human Model to explore